02 September 2011

Somewhere Only We Know

Ok, so a  few weeks ago I was babysitting some little kiddies that I love for the last time (sad!) before I went off to collegeland and we were watching tv. The Winnie the Pooh commercial came on, and let me say, that is the saddest. thing. EVER. I mean seriously. When I was little I watched Winnie the Pooh and that was my little world! Now here I was, on the brink of going to college, the end of my childhood, and EVERYTHING was coming down on me.

-Not only are the redoing a movie from my childhood, which makes me think of my childhood, which I technically don't have anymore cause I have to be an adult! (you know how sometimes you're "Mom I'm 18!" and then there are times when you're "Mom, I'm ONLY 18!", yeah it was one of the I'm little and ONLY 18 moments)

-The theme song of the commercial is "Somewhere Only We Know" by Keane, which is one of my absolute favorite songs, but it's also the song that my best friend and I listened to the last time we drove away from school for our graduation practice. SAD. It's a SAD song if you think about it that way.

(but it really is a FABULOUS song)

- The song is SAD because it talks about us losing something really close to us, but then we need to take a minute and go back to that place that ONLY we know. ONLY my best friends and I know, our little make believe castles and little fairytale lands. And then in the song, the land is empty, so it's like toy story 3 where all of the toys are alone now, which is, yeah, like I said, SAD.

- And just to add to that the trailer says, "Back where they belong, Go back to the place inside all of us"

ok anyway that's how I felt when I saw that trailer, it's really sad huh?

anyways I thought of it because I saw these pictures:

Cute huh? Even though it was really sad then, it isn't really now. now it's just cute :)

1 comment :

  1. Just found your blog && your adventure sounds so amazing!
    I also love the winnie the pooh graphics you posted... love love love!! My 3 year old has recently acquired a love for Pooh. :)
