01 August 2012

New York City, Ain't it Pretty? {trip part 2}

this next part of our trip we went to NEW YORK CITY!!!! I was so excited for this part. 

In New York City, I learned how to make money, how to buy purses off the side of the road, and that people really are occupying Wall Street.


driving into the city with my family, grandma, 2 great aunts, cousin, his wife, and baby

as soon as I could I started snapping pictures. It's beautiful, isn't it?

(some of the pictures have a little bit of a glare because I was snapping them from the car)

one of my favorite parts of the city is that there are these beautiful old buildings creeping up out of the huge skyscrapers.


The first place we went to was the Natural History Museum in New York (you know the one from Night at the Museum) (so my family relates everything to movies, so what?)

I took lots of dinosaur pictures because they remind me of Mateja.

look! I'm bigger than a dinosaur!
(actually it was a little dinosaur and a guy walked by laughing when my mom said "you look like a huge person!" and she told him, "we like to make her feel tall." thanks mom.)

jumping rabbit! haha

there was some serious fringe goin' on with these monkeys.

these guys are taking having a crook in your neck to a whole new level.

We were pretty excited about this next one. It's the Head from the Easter Islands, basically. 
Dumb Dumb give me Gum Gum.
(just watch Night at the Museum, won't you?)

that's my "Thank you New York City!" face.

shrunken heads. REAL shrunken heads. gross.

A hot dog off the streets of New York for lunch? I think yes! 

and it passed the test.

 we were going to see the Intrepid, but the line was literally a mile long. I mean, we technically saw it.

so we got pie instead. and we made friends with 2 old New Yorkers. They were hilarious! They were very opinionated and thought my parents were crazy for having 6 kids. The lady also made sure to tell us that it was her birthday. She then whispered to me before she left to come back to New York City and become an actress. I already had the sparkly jewelry for it. 

Next stop, TIME SQUARE!!! The center of the greatest city in the world!

I absolutely love all of the people there! There's something beautiful about all of the energy and hopes and invisibility that comes from being around so many people. I couldn't help but smile!

Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of it because he was always turned around when I tried to take a picture, but I learned how to make a bunch of cash. Stand in the middle of time square with a sign around your neck that says...wait for it...

"I need cash to buy weed"

seriously. he had a ton of cash in his hand.

We went to the Toys R Us store, and it was insane. I saw Ironman, Captain America, Thor, and Spiderman! That was pretty exciting. 

The store even had a FERRIS WHEEL! Dream! I wanted to ride in the Barbie car. 

 Hey look, NEWSIES!

the ball that drops on New Year's Eve!

we went into the M&M store, and needless to say, it was awesome. Look at the wall of M&M's!!!!

I have a lifelong dream of having a bag of all brown peanut M&M's 
(the brown ones are my favorite, I swear they taste better cause they're the same color as chocolate)
(and peanut m&M's are my favorite)

but alas, $12 for a bag of M&M's is kind of ridiculous, so that dream still lives on. 

They had a machine to see what color M&M you would be.
Rachel waiting to see her color!

of course, my eyes were closed, but if I were an M&M, I would be white. It said, (I'm not joking about this) "you may be the nicest person to ever stand in this spot!"
well, shucks.

also, when we were waiting for some people in our group to catch up with us, I saw a bunch of purses on a table and a guy selling them for $10. 

another great dream of mine is to buy a purse out of the back of a van. 

I was about to go pick out a bag, but then, oh no! police man! no worries, the guy selling the purses just handed him some cash and went on his way. wayyyy sketchy. 

but I got my purse. for $10. and I even got the black trash bag to carry it in. SUCCESS! 

There was a wedding going on in the middle of Time Square! of course I had to take a picture!

Cute cousin Jaycee

Central Park!

For dinner we went to Lombardi's Pizza. wow. Also, fun fact: it's the first pizza place in the United States. 


we went to church- the church had elevators and 4 floors! that was new. 

Now, I have a confession. My family has a very ugly, very creepy van. Her name is Ingeborg. And she's the skeleton in our closet. But, I get a whole row of seats to myself on our long car rides, so we tolerate her. So, so what if it's big?

and it's very hard to park in New York City, especially in this beast. 

After church we went to the 9/11 memorial that only opened last year and is still being built. They have 2 waterfalls where each tower stood. The names of everyone who died written along the edge. It was incredible. I can't even imagine it. The names of the firefighters, policemen, and other heroes of that day are also written on the sides of the waterfalls. I have nothing but respect for those men in women who immediately ran into the building. And the thing is, they must have known, running into those buildings, there was no chance they were ever going to come out. 

the "survivor tree" this tree is a tree that was on the Twin Towers plaza, and after the smoke had finally cleared, still stood. The only tree. It's amazing. 

one of the new towers that's being built, I'm pretty sure that there is going to be 3 of them, but I don't remember. This tower is going to be even taller than the original Twin Towers. 

For lunch we went to this really cute restaurant that suddenly appeared under a tin construction roof! The Manhattan Merchant's Cafe.

cool, huh?

We walked to Battery Park (which I had before thought was a park of machines and batteries) (but really I did, I'm a little bit ashamed). It has a TON of different memorials and a castle! (the castle is actually an old fort)

I could not believe what I saw. Girl- put those pants away!

There she is- don't you just wanna jump in the water and swim out to meet her?

And Jared rocking Grandma's purse.

The sphere of peace. Ironically, it used to be in the Twin Tower Plaza, you can still see the damage done by the attacks on 9/11.

We walked to Wall Street to see Trinity Church (the one that the ACTUAL NATIONAL TREASURE lies underneath)

this cemetery has Emerson's grave! one of my favorites! 

and yes, people do occupy wall street. and they pretty much just sit 
there, smell bad, and smoke. and there's only about 5 of them. 

(they're on the right side along the fence)

I found Sasquatch. I didn't know he was my brother!

we got shirts!

overall, New York was beautiful, and I can't wait to live there one day! It was definitely my favorite part of our trip!

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