19 June 2017


dear everyone,

I can`t believe this is it! my last email! this last year and a half has been the greatest and worst and most exhausting and most joyful experience of my life!

When I started my mission my heart was so hard. It was a very hard decision for me to make, and I was very prideful. I needed to pray literally every day for the desire to be here. There were many days where it was the hardest thing in the world to get out of bed and to do anything. But slowly, thanks to the mercy and grace of my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ, I learned to change. Yes, there were still many hard and discouraging moments, but I cannot remember a single bad day. The joyful expériences are so much greater. Going on a mission was the greatest decision I have ever made, and I`m so grateful for the promptings of the Holy Ghost and the answers to my prayers that helped me to know that I should go, even if it was hard. With Heavenly Father and our Savior on our side we can do hard things, we can do all things.

I had an STL at the beginning of my mission who told me that the reason you go on your mission is different than the reason you stay on your mission, and I have always thought about that as Heavenly Father blessed me with the most incredible expériences and with more love for the people of Québec and Ottawa than I ever thought I could feel.

I went on my mission because I knew it was what Heavenly Father wanted me to do, but I stayed because in Québec City I met Jaqueline and her giant fat cat Cannelle who pushed her off her bed- she showed us more love than we deserved. Tamar saw herself in the temple. Sister Robanske changed because of her 9 year old son. I met Lucie. my Lady Lucie who loved more than anyone I have ever met even though no one ever taught her how.

In Fallowfield I learned charity. Mavis and Sister Echlin went to the temple. Madison got baptized and is now part of a family that can go to the temple and be together for eternity. Doris saw miracles with her simple faith.

Gatineau was where I learned more about my Savior Jesus Christ than ever before by the Christlike examples of those around me. Jocelyne was happy. Hydrisse was changed by the Restoration. Claude is a Catholic priest reading the Book of Mormon. KATHY GOT ENDOWED. The Gatineau Christmas.

In Victoriaville I was stretched more than I ever had been before and saw simple, tender mercies from Heavenly Father every day. Nelly and Zoe want to go on missions. Sœur Girard let us serve her. Xiaohua felt the spirit when she prayed for the first time in her life. The twins learned about Christ.

In Ville Marie I learned to connect with anyone because we are all children of our Heavenly Father. Georgette had been waiting her whole life for another testament of Jesus Christ. Jean prayed to know God`s will for him and that afternoon he met us. Rebeca went to institute.

I am so grateful for the opportunities that Heavenly Father gives His missionaries. He gave me way more reasons to stay on my mission than I deserved! I`ve seen miracles. I see them every day. I know I have been blessed and my family has been blessed and I know who my Savior Jesus Christ is, and that has meant everything. This is truly His work. He guides it every step of the way.

I know that in 1820 there was a young boy name Joseph Smith of great faith and humility who wanted to know what Church was the true Church of God. In his simplicity, he turned to God in prayer and because of his great faith, he saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ when he was just 14 years old. I know Joseph was called as a prophet to restore the exact same gospel to the earth that Christ established when He was here. We have it today. We have the authority of God on the earth today. I know families can be together forever as part of the great Plan of Salvation that God has for each one of His children.

I know Jesus Christ lives. It is through faith in Him and His Atonement and repentance that we can change. He gives us so many chances, and I am so grateful for that because Sister Paine needs lots of chances.

I love the Book of Mormon. It truly testifies and teaches us about Christ. I cling to that book. I cannot live without it.

I was 15 when I finished the Book of Mormon for the first time. I remember reading in Moroni chapter 7 in particular and feeling the spirit so strongly testifying to me that this was true. I knelt down and prayed to know if it was true and if I had a Heavenly Father who was really there and really loved me. I will never forget that moment when I knew it was true to the point where I knew I could never deny the truthfulness of those things because like Joseph, I knew it and I knew that God knew I knew it. I want to share 3 of my favorite verses from Moroni 7, 46-48,

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if ye have not charity, ye are nothing, for charity never faileth. Wherefore, cleave unto charity, which is the greatest of all, for all things must fail—
But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."
He wants us to be like Him! And we can be! That gives me the greatest hope of all. I have SO many people to thank- I know if I tried to write everyone down, I would forget some people but know I love you all the same! In particular, I need to thank my mom and dad, Ethan and Kate, Benj, Jared, Rachel, Rebekah, my extended family who supported me and prayed for me, the Québec, Fallowfield, and Gatineau Wards, the Victoriaville Branch, the Ville Marie ward, all of my companions- Sisters Dinge, Boza, Clark, Dexter, Dampt, Fleming, Garcia, Ellsworth, and Perez, my STL`s and leaders, and the people of Québec and Ottawa who let me love them even if they didn`t really want me to ;). Thank you all my friends who wrote me and loved me!
I love you all!


Sœur Erica Paine

ps all you missionaries add my regular email to your lists! ericabpaine@gmail.com

exchanges with the STL`s
district picture
with Lovely and Princesse

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