11 December 2011


Today is a very exciting day for 55 Horney Hall.
do you wanna know why?


Because we can't be together on actual Christmas day, we drew names, got presents, and filled stockings. 

Actual Christmas won't happen until tonight, but Christmas Eve already happened, and it was pretty exciting!

There was a lot of study-udy-udying.

A couple trips by elves to the Creamery for stocking stuffers

Surprise caroling to our Bishop's and his counsler's houses

and finally....

I almost cried, like I was tearing up it was so beautiful.

here are some fun pictures- there are a few advantages to having a photographer roommate
1. you get A LOT of pictures taken of you
but unfortunately, you are not very photogenic, so it takes a lot to find THE ONE

If you click on one of the pictures, it will become bigger so you can see them better.

we are pretty cute

I have the cutest roommates it's kind of ridiculous.

This is classic Mateja

Classic Morgan

oh and Brian, our FHE brother tagged along and wanted a picture, too haha.
He is leaving in January to go on a mission to no other than Salt Lake City!

we wuve each other

This is my favorite laughing one

We decided to make a wish into the reflection pool:
make a wish...(morgan thinks this is stupid)

kiss the penny for extra luck...(morgan still thinks this is stupid and had no idea what was going on even though we went over it many times haha)

Throw your penny into the fountain and your wish can come true! (I can't guarentee anytihng, but at least morgan got into it a little more)

Some super duper cute roomie shots:

I love this one, but Morgan doesn't, so I had to compromise and give her this...

ok, so what's going on with my scarf? and my face?

Whitney and Kimberly didn't come until the very end, so here is our full rommie shot:

and now, ladies and gentlemen, THE ONE...
you know how I was talking about "the one" picture of myself that I actually like, well this is it...

That's it! I basically just like the colors.

Now for more Christmas enjoyment, 

this is also the cutest thing ever.

I'll put up Christmas pics later!


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