13 January 2012


I. am. bitter. 

I know it's bad to be bitter, so please forgive me. Now that we have gotten that out of the way, why am I bitter you ask?

well, back home in Franklin, there is this little thing we like to call a snow day. No school. For 4 flakes of snow. That is all melted now. It's gone, but they still don't have school. yeah. I'm bitter. Why? because there is snow on the ground here. There has been snow on the ground in Provo for 3 days. and guess what? I have gone to school for the past 3 days. Now, this wouldn't be half as bad if I didn't have to walk outside to school in 15 degree weather, excuse me it was actually only 12 degrees.

Well, excuse me now, I have to go walk to school. If you don't hear from me soon you can know that I died from frost bite or freezing to death or something else extremely awful due to the severe lack of heat in the air.

Hello, my name is Erica but you can just call me an ice cube since that's what I will be from now on. 

1 comment :

  1. Dear Ice Cube,
    We were so sorry to read of the terrible hardship you have endured these past three days...of walking to school in subfreezing weather with huge drifts of snow all around you. Ugh! That is terrible! Instead of being bitter, be warmed by the memories of growing up in an awesome, magical place called Franklin, Tennessee, where life comes to a standstill when snow flakes begin flying! So, bundle up and think warm thoughts. We love you! Mom, Rachel and Rebekah
