22 January 2012


Now, anyone who knows my apartment knows what a problem Disney movies are. For example: last weekend we watched an average of 2 movies a day. It doesn't seem that much when you say it out loud, but it's kind of pathetic if you think about it. We won't even mention the amount of ice cream eaten in that time either....

My favorite Disney movie by far is Mulan. Why? Do you ask:
1. It has the best songs:
I'll Make a Man Out of You
The Match Maker Song...
The list goes on and on..

2. Mushu.
Need I say anymore? Who doesn't want an adorable and hilarious dragon following you around and helping you out. Plus, he's always there for comic relief. For example, when Oh No! The Huns are still alive! Mushu's response: "They popped right out of the snow, like daisies!" and "Let's go kick some hunny bun!" (those are a few of my favorites)

3. Shang.
Let's be realistic here, even though he is just a cartoon, Shang is a babe. Plus, apparently he is a 9/10 for husband material. My friend sent me a link to a page called 10 Disney Princes and Whether or Not You Should Marry Them.

This is what the person said about Shang (I edited a little bit to make it more...appropriate....):

Professional panty dropper from ancient China, Shang, is the kind of man that will whip a troop of nerds into shape and then turn around and semi-fall in love with what he clearly thinks is a guy. He’s a Renaissance man in every sense of the word. Not to mention, when we don’t have to look at Donny Osmond, his singing voice is like warm butter melting over your ears. Mysterious as the dark side of the mooooon, indeed.


4. Mulan goes after L-O-V-E
Now, this only works if you are a hopeless romantic, and we are in luck! I am! No matter what society says, Mulan is going to marry the man she loves, but she is still a strong, independent woman who does not need a man. And she will not make anyone a sandwich! You go girl.

5. Mulan is a beast.
What girl doesn't love a movie where the main character not only wants to find true love, but kicks some serious booty, too? Everybody loves the underdog, but Mulan not only shows that the underdog can win, but that girls ARE better than boys. She finds true love, becomes the best soldier, AND saves the Emperor of China. That's kind of a big deal.

My apartment randomly breaks out into singing all of the Disney songs in existence, and it's kind of amazing. My 2nd favorite Disney movie is Pocahontas, but ONLY because of the songs. Pocahontas has the WORST story ever. I mean, I know in real life she doesn't end up with John Smith either, but you would think that because it is Disney they would sugar coat it for me a little. Pocahontas doesn't get to marry ANYONE! and she has to let her true love go! So sad...excuse me I was crying a little bit. Plus John Smith only got a 3/10 on the husband material rating. And that's only because the person who wrote the "10 Disney Princes and Whether or Not You Should Marry Them" thinks he's hot. And he sings If I Never Knew You, which is definitely the most romantic Disney song ever. Ever. But like I said, Pocahontas has great songs and they are my favorite to sing. Savages, Colors of the Wind, and Just Around the Riverbend... That's why Pocahontas is number 2. In case you were wondering.

Plus there's this:

It kind of scared me the first time I watched it, but every other time was funny :)

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