20 January 2012

Friday Favorites

This week in my Book of Mormon class, we were reading Alma 32. My teacher shared a quote that someone from the Martin Handcart Company said, "The price we paid to become acquainted with God was a privilege to pay, and I am thankful that I was privileged to come in the Martin Handcart Company "
How amazing is that? To be grateful to go through awful things because it brings us closer to God. What an idea...

More things said by my Biology Professor:
"Do you know what the apple is? It's a swollen ovary. That's what you're eating. Go tell your mom that."

Morgan asking about how to register for Grammar tests for our Writing class: "Erica, are we in 'english as a second language'?"

awkward moment in Anthropology: We were setting up a mechanical solidarity society based on an ant colony and we were trying to find roles for everyone in the group. Creepy kid who is always creeping on Mateja and I says that we need a Queen Ant because that's what an ant colony has. Mateja said, "Erica can be the queen," and starts laughing. Thanks Mateja, you just volunteered me to have 10,000 babies. 

This song is ALWAYS stuck in my head, but that's ok cause I love it!

(We Are Young by Fun.)

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