19 January 2012

life life life life

today is just one of those days, you know- one of THOSE days.

sometimes you just have a bad day for no good reason. don't you hate those days? School, stress, boys, dumb things that aren't supposed to bother you but do... and sometimes it's just really hard.

But it's supposed to be hard or everyone would be able to do it. The hard is what makes it great in the end.

Aristotle once said, "Happiness depends on ourselves."

I believe that our happiness depends on our actions and how we handle the curve balls that life throws at us. And the thing that messes me up most is the picture in my head of how I think life is supposed to be.

"I want to think again of dangerous and noble things. I want to be light and frolicsome. I want to be improbable, beautiful, and afraid of nothing as though I had wings."

So, if I can't really go and do whatever I want right now, which may or may not include: having a red Ducati, living in New York, Chicago, and San Francisco, making pretty and sparkly dresses, working in orphanages in Africa, and going to Paris (hey, if your dreams don't scare you, what's the point in dreaming them?), then at least I can enjoy where I am right now. I have a great education and I am surrounded by my friends and family.

So I may be a little stressed out right now and have no idea what to major in, it's ok!

plus, I have She's the Man and a whole bunch of brown peanut m&m's (the brown ones are the best tasting because they're more natural, naturally).

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