07 February 2012

I hate it but...

Do you know who I just don't like?

this guy.

I don't even know his name, but everyday he gets into my head and tells me to get rid of the goo and that is just gross. 

Amanda and I have been doing P90X and we're pretty proud of ourselves. 

Contrary to popular belief, I am the most uncoordinated and unathletic person you'll ever meet (I know shocking, right?)

I mean I did play basketball every week with my friends at church and I loved it,
and I worked at a gym (I think that adds to my athletic points), 
and we do some sort of workout everyday, but do you want to know something?

It's pretty much just me falling over the whole time.

And you're probably saying it's impossible to fall over while you are lying on ground, well it's possible!

I love watching sports, but I just can't do them. 

So, when we do ab ripper and that guy says "I hate it but I love it" and we copy him, well

I hate it but I.... I still hate it.


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