13 February 2012

Valentine's Day!

Can I tell you guys why I am so excited? 


I love Valentine's Day. 

Many people think this is just a dumb, single awareness day, but it's not!!! and this is why"

1. It is the one day that it is socially acceptable to wear pink and purple together after you are 5 years old. My 2 favorite colors? Pink and Purple. I never get to wear them together because they clash, but on Valentine's Day I do! That is reason enough, but in case you need more convincing...

2. I love love! I just like to love everybody. People get mad and hate Valentine's day because they don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife/secret admirer. Those things are very nice, but Valentine's Day is about LOVE, loving EVERYONE! So it is ok if you don't have those things! So this Valentine's Day, just go out and tell everyone you love them and know that someone loves you. And if you think nobody loves you, heck, I'll love you, you party pooper. It's Valentine's Day!

So, stop wearing black and wear your pink and purple and red and smile and love Valentine's Day, just like me!

that's all.

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