And then I promise you that my bedroom once was cute and color coordinated and all of the furniture matched, but after having your little brother live there for the past 8 months, I did the best that I could and managed to make my room livable (aka cute) again.
Before: blank walls (how can you live with blank walls?!?!)
After: Magazine collage! I promise it's a lot bigger than it looks. And that's Rhonda, my mannequin. I love her.
Knock-out roses from my backyard. So puurrty!
I just love that green! It's almost my favorite. You can't find that green in Utah.
But, like I said my little brother lived in here and you can't escape some things...because I "can't take them down" but secretly I kinda like the Steelers so that makes this sort of okay.
GOOD NEWS!! It turns out I do have some friends here! We went and saw The Lucky One. I never thought it was possible to love Zac Efron more than I previously did, but then I saw him be play with kids and play the piano.
and it's technically tomorrow today?
I love you! Thanks for being the best friend ever. I love our late night talks and how you let me hold your hand during scary movies. Well, movies that I think are scary anyway. And I love that you're tall. Sorry if I take advantage of that. haha. I love your testimony and how you bear it in everything you do. You're such a good example. I hope you have a fabulous extraordinary day and eat lots of ice cream and cake. Especially cake. Because cake is really good. Really really good.
(let's pretend my name is allyson for a second)
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