13 May 2012

mother father brother sister aunt uncle cousin grandma grandpa!

So. It's Mother's Day.

I don't know about you, but I think my mom is pretty rad.

This is why my mom is cooler than your mom:

- She reads the Feminist, Crafty, and Mormon Ryan Gosling memes in an actual "Hey Girl..." voice. (it's kind of airy and sultry and like "I'm in a room with dim lighting, 'Hey girl'")
- She snorts when she laughs (yes, that's where I get it from, but she doesn't really snort that much which is way unfair.)
- She woke up every morning with me to make sure I was awake for seminary and got out the door on time, made my lunch, and lots of times made breakfast for me.
- She sent me care packages every month while I was at school, usually with way too much food, but I guess she's afraid I am starving
- She also sent me a letter every week.
- Somehow she manages to do everything, all the time. And she even has eyes in the back of her head.
- She has such a strong testimony and loves the gospel.
- She watches Bones, Castle, and Once Upon A Time so that we can talk about how much Booth and Brennan/ Castle and Beckett/ Snow White and Prince Charming/ Emma and August need to be together
- She also watches all the girly chick flicks with me because the boys don't want to

And the list could go on, but then I will probably make her cry because

A. I am her perfect and most favorite child
B. She cries all the time at the little things like this. She has over-active tear ducts.

This weekend I had to be the mother because my parents went out of town. Man, it's hard. I am definitely not cut out for the whole mother thing. I don't know how she does it.

She probably has super powers or something. It wouldn't surprise me.

Happy Mother's Day Mother!

I love you more than I love glitter, Christmas, and clothing. And let me tell you, that's real love. 

Today I also got talk to my big brother. He's a dummy. But I love him I guess. He told me that we would get along better "once I realized how awesome he is" and then I told him that we would probably get along better if he realized how awesome I am. He then said that he does, he said I am the "awesome princess queen." Clearly he doesn't realize how awesome I am because I am THE queen. Not princess queen, just queen. He then told me to become friends with all the pretty girls for when he comes home and comes to Utah in October. I said no, and he asked me if I thought he was stupid after we were talking about something else. I said yes. hahahahahaha. Just for the record, I don't think he's stupid, he's just a big dummy.

Other funnies: My little sister walks into my room and I am sitting at my desk and she is behind me and is really quiet. This kind of worries me. I turn around and she is trying on my shoes. She says "WHAT (emphasis on the what) am I doing?!?" as if someone was making her. It was funny.

You know you're short when...
Today my mother told me to stand up. I was already standing.
true story.

I just put new quotes on my quote page, so click the tab that says "quotes" on it. I really wish you would. I love quotes.

I think every girl should get a floppy/ sun hat. It will make her feel like a lady. (Pictures to come)

After a bunch of random stuff that were completely unrelated, it looks like I have yet another date with Pinterest tonight because I have no life after about 8:30 every night. At this going rate, with a date a night, we'll be engaged by Friday! Haha! Marry Pinterest! That's funny! But really, can you do that?

1 comment :

  1. I love you my dear girl! Thank you for the best Mother's day message ever! You are my favorite! My over-active tear ducts are leaking again!) Oh...and please...stand up. : )
