13 June 2012

Florida {Part 2}: dunes and tunes

sorry it's taken a little while to get to part 2 but it's a super long post. I hope it's worth the wait!


Friday started a little later than Thursday (the sun and beach and shopping really wear you down I guess) but we woke up to cloudy skies. We were worried we wouldn't be able to go to the beach, but we decided to test our luck. 

and we were a little tired, so we looked kinda rough...obviously...

we headed out a little bit better prepared than thursday and decided to go to Fort Walton Beach instead of Pensacola. Pensacola was fun and had some funny times and cute lifeguards, but there was hotels and a ton of people and lifeguards.... We drove about an hour and got a little lost which really shouldn't happen with a gps and a gps on your phone and were driving down a long strip of highway and saw cars pull off the side of the road by some sand dunes. We decided to check it out because we didn't really want to go to the "official" beaches that you pay for. We parked and walked a little ways past some beautiful sand dunes...

...and found a great beach: no lifeguards, only 7 other people, and the waves weren't high hazard! I wish we could've spent all day there! It was incredible! Walking on the beach, jumping in the water, finding shells, getting more sunburned...c'est la vie!

and of course, even though we are...cough cough *adults*...cough cough.... we HAD to make a sand castle. We were at the beach for heaven's sake! and I AM the queen and need a castle...

pretty sweet, I know. 

This is where we just pulled off the road, it seemed kinda sketchy at first, but it ended up being the best part of the trip!

we were really really really sad to leave the beach, but after 4 hours, it started raining and thundering.

after we went to the beach, we drove into Destin, which was literally 1 minute away from Fort Walton and we changed into our regular clothes. At that point, we were SO sunburned and it was quite uncomfortable to say the least. It was a little hilarious how much heat we were radiating. 

We went to the mall and did a little shopping (but not too much, I promise!)

We then went to one of those Waves stores that give you a headache just looking at them, you know the ones with 10000000000 tshirts in them?

And because I am the best sister in the world, I got tshirts for all of my siblings and then of course, one for me. Olivia got some sweats and a tshirt to wear on the drive home because we decided we wanted to be comfy since we were sunburned. 

Also in the store I found the perfect shirt for my dad. I should've gotten it!

(it says dads against daughters dating. shoot the first one and the word will spread) hahahahahahahaha

We had a little time to kill before dinner, and Olivia wanted to get a Build-a-Bear for her little sister, so we found one in this HUGE outdoor mall. 

[side note] It turned out to be the same mall that I went to last summer when I went to my Aunt and Uncle's house with a HUGE Bass Pro Shop and a big plastic great white shark that my dad stuck everyone's heads in. 

After we located the Build-a-Bear, we headed towards it, and out of the corner of my eye, I spotted something. 

and the back door and the side door and the garage door and all the windows!

It was an actual FROCK CANDY STORE!

now, you probably don't think this is really exciting, but all my roommates will get it. I love this store and to think there was an actual physical store right next to me! Well, I had to get a picture. And go in. 

and it was magical! Definitely my new even more favorite store and I got a skirt for $7. Even better!

But back to Build-a-Bear, we were pretty much the oldest ones there by probably 10 years. Haha. The girl at the stuffing station looked at us kinda weird until we explained to her it was for a younger sibling. We then took a trip down memory lane and got to take one of the fabric hearts that you put in the bears and rub it on our foreheads for smarts, our cheeks for smiles, our noses for our favorite smells, and our bellies for our favorite foods. We then rubbed it to make it start "beating", made a wish my wish was that she will always follow her dreams no matter who tells her she can't or how scary they are, then kissed the little hearts before we put them inside the bear. It was actually really exciting.

After Olive Garden for dinner, we headed back home completely full, extremely sunburned, but soooooo happy!

We took showers then rented This Means War

and as Morgan told me her mother put it, the movie is "such a good movie; so inappropriate but so good" haha I couldn't put it any better myself. Plus I love Reese Witherspoon and Chris Pine. Win win! Win win! (movie reference anyone?)

Friday night was pretty hilarious because we were so sunburned. Every time someone moved, or tried to move, you could hear the wincing of pain. (I know I sound awful laughing at Olivia's and my pain, but when you're both sunburned beyond belief it turns out being funny)


We seemed to have perfect timing. We woke up Saturday to pouring rain. It actually rained every day, but only in the afternoon when we went shopping AFTER we were at the beach! And after TONS of country music and tons of ocean air, we were really sad to leave. 

After breakfast and saying goodbye, we ran back and forth in and out of the pouring rain to load the car and headed out. It rained for probably half of the drive. 

The drive home consisted of:

All 3 Taylor Swift CD's (and us singing along to every single song) (we knew them all)
The entire One Direction CD, plus all of their live songs from the X-Factor
Lots of bathroom stops (like I said, we have a problem)
Lots of construction
Lots of chatting
Rolling down the windows on the Interstate (now that is an experience) (we're talking all the windows, music cranked, and the sun roof opened. talk about wind)
We found gas for $1.83 a gallon, but then we realized the gas station was closed...awkward...
I found cities in Alabama named Arkedelphia and Letohatchee, and those names are silly.

We finally got sunshine as the afternoon rolled around and made it home in about 7 hours. 

Even though we got rained out every day and super sunburned (now it's a weird neon pink/purple color...weird...) it was one of the most fun trips and we didn't feel like we missed out on anything. Beach in the morning, shopping in the afternoon. I could get used to that :)

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