31 August 2012


right now you'll never guess what I'm doing. I'm shamelessly rubbernecking. Ok, rubbernecking may be something that you can only do in your car, but that's the only word I know to call it. but I'm not in a car. I'm in the comfort of my own home on my big comfy couch. yes, it's gameday at BYU and I'm pretty sure some guy was on a motorcycle running from the cops, skidded to a stop, then tried to run away right on University Ave. and guess what? my front window faces University Ave. and it took 4 cars to hunt him down. pretty sweet.

so far my favorite things:

having a class with my Kimberly

our big leather beautiful comfy couch that is HUGE

the decorations in our apartment. seriously, da bomb.

getting to know our new roommate, Kyle. I love her so much already! I now have 7 best friends!

our idea for our Halloween costumes. thinking of costumes for 7 people is tough, but we thought of the best. but it's a secret ;)

late night talks

figuring out how to make my keyboard french for when I type my french papers

locking myself out of my computer because my keyboard was in french and so I couldn't type in my password. that was very stressful for a while.

I knew that this guy in my Event Planning class looked really familiar, and I just figured out he's on the BYU basketball team. win.

a hundred dance parties

pictures of the apartment to come! we don't really have that much of a social life yet, so there's not much to tell there.

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