25 November 2012

hey, don't forget about me!

In the hustle and bustle (mainly in my brain) because of Christmas excitement, I almost forgot to tell you all about Thanksgiving!

I got super lucky because on Tuesday, all of my classes were cancelled! I repeat, ALL of my classes were cancelled!!!! Yippee! That never happens. So, after lots of organizing and cleaning, I headed to my grandma's house to stay there with my brother.

*oh, I also got a call on Tuesday from the BYU Independent Study office informing me that I had gotten a job! Thank goodness for tender mercies!

After doing about 6 loads of laundry on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, Lara (who was also spending the holiday here) and I had the car because I dropped my brother off at work. We did some shopping and I got a new computer! And then we came back to my apartment to put all of my clothes away/ talk for 6 hours/ have our pre-thanksgiving meal that we have a tradition of making.

Another super exciting thing that happened on Wednesday is that I checked the mail, and my roommate Mateja's mission call was in the mail, I called her and she told me to open it RIGHT THERE! I was freaking out, I was like, don't you want me to skype you so that you can read it instead of me, but no. She wanted me to open it right there. Talk about stressful! Haha, I was shaking and nervous myself! She was called to the Pocatello, ID mission!

Wednesday night Lara came home with me to my Grandma's house and we make about 60 green bean packets for both of our families' Thanksgivings haha

Thursday I went over to my aunt and uncle's house, and we had a fun time, sleeping, playing games, going into turkey comas...

oh, and I fell in love. With a little kitty named Rue. I'm pretty sure that he is my favorite thing ever. I was holding him, and he got up and curled himself as close as he possibly could to me and was cuddling with me! Oh man. I love that kitty.

Thursday night we went to see Red Dawn.

It was really good, but sad... 

Friday, I got a little crafty for our Christmas decorations (more on that later)

and then I went shopping with my cousin and my aunt and uncle. My cousin Caitie and I got matching cat sweaters! They're fabulous.

After that, we went and saw Breaking Dawn. It was actually WAY better than I thought it was going to be. Cheesy, yes, but I was pleasantly surprised. 

After the movie, I went home and then over to Lara's apartment, and I ALMOST ATE A WHOLE CAFE RIO SALAD. I am sure this means nothing to any of you, but it usually takes me 3 tries to finish a whole thing, but everyone else always manages to finish theirs in one try. I don't understand it, but it has been a lifelong goal to finish one, and I almost did! The key is to get shredded salad instead of the big pieces, in case you were wondering.

Lara then came back over to my grandma's house with me and we had another sleepover, and Saturday we did lot of homework :(

It was a super fun Thanksgiving break, but now I have to go back to school! Ah, please don't make me go!

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