12 November 2012

it's beginning to look a lot like...

I'm going to die.

It's SO cold. I walked to school today and it was 10 degrees. I'm pretty sure my ears are fixing to turn black any minute here because they've never been so cold before. 

Friday was rainy and not too cold, so I didn't wear a coat, just a little jacket, well...

I walk out of my test around 12:30 and it was snowing. SNOWING. I think it's too soon. I love it when I look up and I'm inside, but when you look down at the 10 inches (10 inches!) of snow that you have to trudge through, it's pretty miserable. 

It snowed ALL DAY on Friday, I never thought it would end!

Morgan and I had to wake up at 7 on Saturday morning to volunteer, and it looked like this outside. I need to stop taking pictures through my window because there is a screen, but oh well. Remember, 10 inches of snow, and this doesn't even justify it. It was beautiful, though.

and snow clouds are weird. They are so heavy and white, it's hard to describe, but they cover the mountains so much it's looked like they've disappeared.

BYU is pretty good at cleaning snow off of campus, but at 7:30 in the morning, there is still 10 inches of snow, so it's like you are trekking like the pioneers. And, it also might make bike riders slip, which might be hilarious, but you feel bad when you laugh because they did just slip and you're probably going to slip 10 times from just walking in the snow.

Sunday, Morgan and I realized that our room is the coldest in the house because, once again, 2 of our walls make up the outside of the building, which makes it colder than anywhere in the house. I looked like this all day, and I look pregnant because of how many layers I was wearing. No one was allowed to come over. 

at least the cold ensures that my water in my water bottle is perfectly chilled at all times. 

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