06 November 2012


I had a great conversation with my roommate today about the incredible blessings we have in our lives to be here now, and to know what we know. We also have big shoes to fill. I think of all of the people who sacrificed everything for the opportunity we have today. The least we can do is go stand in line or send a paper in the mail. If you have the chance to vote, go do it. We are the rising generation. We are the new voice, and we need to do everything in our power to try and uphold this decaying world. We have great power, but great responsibility. I love this picture. I'm grateful for the opportunity that I have to vote as a girl in the United States of America. We have a responsibility to our great grandmothers, grandmothers, and mothers who paved the way and tried to help make our lives as safe as they possibly could, and now we have a responsibility to our future daughters to do the same. I feel as a girl, I especially have a duty knowing how hard it was in order for me and other women to have the right to vote. Today I am thankful for my right to vote, for my country, for my heritage, and for my ancestors. I am so proud to be a citizen of the United States of America.

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