23 December 2012

life lately

Lately my life has just been SO EXCITING I NEVER HAVE ANY TIME TO BLOG
can you hear the sarcasm just ooozing from that?

I finally got to come home after I finished training at work

I LOVE Tennessee. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I'm pretty sure everyone around me is sick of TN because I just love it so much and talk about it all the time. 

I was so excited to come home for another Tender Tennessee Christmas because it's the only Christmas for me. 
but really. 

Anyway, what have I been up to lately???


Well, we kicked off my trip back home with my little sister's choir concert, and I swear I sang half of those songs when I was in chorus 10 years ago. Wow, I'm old. 

Lots of Christmas shopping!

I love Christmas!
I love shopping!

Really, I am a Christmas freak, I eat, drink, breath, sleep Christmas this time of year. I just LOVE it.

So when I came home I almost keeled over with excitement when I saw our regular holiday decorations at my house. My mother does a great job. And you have to have a real Christmas tree.

here's a funny video of a kid dancing in my mall

Anyway, I have been wrapping lots of presets, too because my mother hates it, so I get to do it. Yippee!

and then I'm carpeting a room. 

Yes, carpeting a room.

that's preettty much it, besides trying over and over again to play "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables on the piano, I've almost got it!

and that is the exciting life of Erica Paine. 

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