04 January 2013


oh hey, here's Christmas

but before Christmas, I turned twenty. I'm so old, look at all those candles!

Christmas Eve Eve, we had some of our cousins over and we played this extremely flattering Santa game. 

At my house, we only like to do things that will not come back to haunt us later and make us laugh a lot.

Every Christmas when I was little we would act out the Nativity Story, but as we grew up we haven't done it in a while. Well, my mom decided that it wasn't fair that my little sisters didn't get this experience because they are the youngest. 

"You're all going to dress up, I don't care how old you are!"

The Highly Dysfunctional Story of the Birth of Christ 


Rachel as The "I'm Going to Creep in Every Picture" Angel

Benjamin as The "There's No Room For You and I Don't Really Care Cause I'm too Cool" Innkeeper

Rebekah as "I'm Really the Only One Happy to be Here" Mary
Ethan as "I Look Like a Thug with this Towel On My Head" Joseph 

Jared as The "(in an Italian Mafia voice) Were You Talking to Me?" Shepherd

Erica as The "Oh, There's Only the Role of King Queen Left? How Convenient!" Wiseman

Somehow I got put in charge?

sorry...blurry pic!

By the end of our skit, I think all of the kids would say this was a success, but Grandma was a little bit horrified. 

So, you're going to dress up, and I don't care how old you are! 

My dad said the only way to get out of acting out the Nativity is to bring home a husband. Oh darn.

And now for all of the extremely good looking Christmas Day pictures!

hehe cause he looks like Captain America ^

As always, full of good cheer and lots of teasing, another fantastic Christmas!

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