10 April 2017


dear everyone,

this week was great! we started the week off with a dinner appointment at a family's house that we love. except WE ATE HORSE! it was sneaky. they fed us the food and it was good, we enjoyed it, but afterwards, the brother said, "you just ate horse meat!" and while i know that's not the most exotic thing in the world, i was a bit disgruntled that i had eaten a horse. it's just like ground beef but all the same. 

tuesday morning we drove to quebec city for zone conference. zone conference is always great! we talked about how we can improve our teaching. sister ellsworth and i have been trying really hard to put into practice the things we learned by asking inspired questions. we saw this bring the spirit this week in our lessons! the first was with a family in our ward. we shared with them the Prince of Peace video, and afterwards we asked them what they were feeling. it made the spirit even stronger as they testified of what they felt in simple words like, "calm" "peace" and "full." the second lesson we had was with our investigator, chantal. we showed her the Prince of Peace video and the first time she was kind of distracted so we were sad she wasn't getting the full experience. however, when we asked her an "inspired question," she started playing the video again as she described her feelings and it was awesome!

this week we went on exchanges with the sister training leaders in quebec city. i was with sister piscitello who is from france and has the most beautiful french accent! we had a great time. we had some really good lessons and went street contacting. the people in quebec are so different from the people in victoriaville! we were able to share our easter message with a lot of people and we even got a new investigator! we met him on the street and he told us we could go with him the tim horton's (coffee shop) and talk with him there. it was a great lesson and he really is believing and needs the gospel in his life.

other than that this week there was a huge snow storm in quebec tuesday and wednesday when we were there and it snowed on saturday again. but today is beautiful! i hope it never snows again! 

oh yeah, i almost forgot... GYM WATCHED CONFERENCE! we learned this week that our investigator, gym was able to watch the first session of conference and he really loved it!! it is a miracle! 

i've been thinking a lot about the conference talks we watched last weekend and i really love elder rasband's on the Holy Ghost. this past sunday in our branch we had fast and testimony meeting and it was a really great meeting. in branch council, one of the leaders challenged all of us at branch council to bear our testimonies of the truthfulness of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the gospel we have on the earth. many people bore their testimonies and the spirit was so strong. i love the Holy Ghost that warns us and guides us and comforts us. it is the Holy Ghost that binds us to the Lord and it is through having spiritual experiences together, feeling the Holy Ghost together that we are edified and unified. 

i love you all! have a great week!


soeur paine

picture: soeur piscitello and i on our exchange 

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