08 May 2017


dear everyone, 

big news, i'm getting transferred again! for my very last transfer i will be in Montreal! i will be going right to the island (fun fact: montreal is an island). i will be serving in the Ville Marie ward with sister perez as my companion. i'm excited! i've always been far away from montreal during my mission and i never thought i would serve there! and the cool thing is now i will have served in Quebec City, Ottawa and Montreal, the three major cities in my mission. 

this week was a week of miracles and i can see how the Lord was preparing this area for sister ellsworth to take over, and for that i am very grateful. 

we had great lessons with many of our investigators, but the miracles were the lessons themselves. we decided that many of our investigators were not progressing so we should probably stop teaching them. we planned final lessons and this week when we gave those "final" lessons, everything changed! our investigators really opened up and really trust us. i am so grateful to Heavenly Father that He allowed us to have those lessons and because the lessons were so great, we won't be dropping most of them! 

i am sad to be leaving victoriaville. it's been a growing experience for sure, but there are so many people here that i love and my dear baby greenie sister ellsworth whom i am heartbroken to leave. i think one of the sweetest moments i had this week was last night when we visited our investigator xiaohua. she has been difficult to get ahold of and really busy. this week we had a lesson with her where she opened up about her struggles and how she feels very alone and overwhelmed. she has been sick and sad for a long time. last night when we stopped by to say goodbye, she was happy. and that was the greatest gift to me. it's been a long time since i've seen her happy. 

i know the church is true. it's the best and greatest gift we have, the gospel and our Savior Jesus Christ. i've seen it change lives. it's changed mine. i am so grateful for the gift i have of sharing this message of joy to the people here in quebec. i know these next 6 weeks will be some of the most important weeks of my mission. they will be a time of great worth and i'm all in. i can't wait to see what miracles the Lord will bless the people of montreal with!

i love you all! have a great week!


soeur paine


1-2. victoriaville. it is known for it's dairy factory
3-4. the Dupont family! they fed us ever week and helped us out a ton. I love them! 
5. we drove out to the countryside this week and it was beautiful 
6. breanna the sticker monster and a washed out sister paine
7. xiaohua and i
8. sister ellsworth and i

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