29 October 2014


sometimes after a week of being kinda sicky and having a ton of homework, you need a reminder why you are where you are (yes, even in paris). two weeks ago, i just always wanted to go home and sleep because awful cold, so last week i decided to do some things that i have always wanted to do. (aka why am i even in paris? because these things.)

while i didn't check everything off my list (because let's be honest, that would be impossible) i did manage to do some really really great things. after days full of good friends (more on that later) and paris (oh paris!) i have felt so content every day. it's the best feeling. so here's some major catch-up

wednesday we went to the catacombs

thursday i had class in the morning and then kayla and i met up with lexi, alex, and maddie. we went in to the notre dame cathedral. holy hannah montana. she is huge! and beautiful! and everything i possibly could have imagined and more! it's so surreal to think of all of the things that happened there. in my history class we talked about napoleon and his coronation. in art history we talked about the famous david painting (and actually got to see it) in the louvre of the coronation of napoleon in notre dame. and look, i happen to be in notre dame. it's just incredible.

after a lunch of schwarma (aka pita chicken hummus goodness), we fed the birds again and went inside the church of our lady.

i'm restraining myself with pictures even though we all know that is a problem for me. 

after going to notre dame and gelato and then shakespeare and company (yes, again. i'm just going to go ahead and put it out there that i went to shakespeare and company on wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, and monday. yep.), we went to the love lock bridge and locked our love on that dang bridge. now i don't have anybody to love yet, so i made sure my lock was very open to whomever i am going to marry, but our love is forever locked in paris. 

after the love locking we walked and walked and talked and talked and had the best conversation ever (paris just has this magic that makes every conversation > than every other conversation you have ever had). this day was magic. 

friday we had no class. yay! after sleeping in a bit, kayla and i met up with a girl in our ward who is a nanny. she watches the most adorable three year old girl. we had a picnic at the tuileries gardens and played. it was so fun to be with them! after meeting up with some other friends, we went to the arc de triomphe. 

can we just talk about how amazing the arc de triomphe is for a minute? there are no words. and you climb to the top, and there's just the most incredible view of the city. my favorite so far!

after the arc, we went on a walk for one of our classes. and we went to this bread shop. i am never going to be able to eat bread again because no bread will be as good as paris bread. 

and then indian food because indian food at kashmir house is always a good idea. it can never go wrong. 

saturday we met for brunch in the morning at angelina's. after brunch we went on a hunt for this jewelry store, but ended up window shopping in the rain, and paris in the rain is almost better than regular paris. 

after hours in shakespeare and company, we had a pizza party at the byu apartment. it was such a full and content week. paris, je t'aime!

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