20 October 2011

Fun fun fun fun looking forward to the weekend....

So about once a week, we have those nights that no one ever gets anything done. So that was last night. We did some of our homework, and we were kinda just hanging out and I really wanted to watch the Halloween episode of Pretty Little Liars. I get a phone call from my friend Hailey who lives below us and is our fabulous relief society president. She's like "Erica! Let's watch Pretty Little Liars!" So it's 7 and it doesn't come on until 8, so she comes over and we're all pretty much hanging out in our kitchen. Whitney is drawing and we're eating cinnamon bears and doing hair and then I get a text that says "Relief Society activities committee meeting at 8" OH NO! So Morgan and I are both on the committee and we run outside and do our meeting super fast and we run inside and finish watching it. It was super good and scary! Hailey and I are freaking out because we know what's going on but everyone else doesn't  but it's a Halloween episode, so it's scary!

Then after Hailey left, we proceeded to do what we always do... which included a mini dance party in our hallway (we have them all the time, they're super fun) and we turned off all the lights and turned on our Halloween lights... (sorry about the bad pictures. 1. it's a dorm room, so it's not that pretty to begin with, and 2. my camera doesn't take the greatest pictures....)

After our mini dance party, we watched some So You Think You Can Dance clips because we want to be able to dance like them. Here's a favorite, the story is so cute, it's a guy who's wedding got cancelled and he's all sad because he was stood up on his wedding day, but then his best friend shows up and he realizes he is in love with her!

Then we watched the kiss at the end of A Cinderella Story because it's one of the best kisses I have ever seen in my entire life.

if this is the same video we watched, please excuse the chinese subtitles. haha.

After that, I accidentally yelled so that everyone who was in the lobby that I wanted to take a shower with Mateja because she said that she was going to take a shower. BUT what I meant was there are 2 showers so 2 people can take them at the same time, we just wait until someone is inside and take turns getting out!! It was very stressful. 

That is a pretty normal night for us. We then "go to bed" and by "going to bed" I mean trying to do morse code through the walls, but no one knows how to do it and then talking for forever. 

And to make this even better, I woke up this morning, walked into the kitchen, and saw this:


We have midnight dance parties and nachos all the time in our apartment, and these are the best chips. you can only get them at Sam's Club, so when Kimberly went home last night, she brought back a bag for all of us! It's so great! and they are seriously THE BEST CHIPS you will ever eat. 

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