25 October 2011

Who Runs The World?

This time, the answer to who runs the world is not girls, it's CRICKETS! ew ew ew!
I just needed to post this before Christmas Tuesday, so don't worry that's coming after this post :)

So about 2 weeks ago, we were having this issue where we were finding 5-6 crickets in our apartment and that is not ok. There would be lots of screaming and then if we could find someone to kill it for us, we would do that, but if we couldn't find anyone, there would be a lot more screaming and everyone would be standing on the chairs while one person screams and does a little dance while trying to kill it. We thought our problem was over when they hadn't appeared for a week or so. Well, the reason that there hadn't been any crickets in a while is because the papa cricket ATE THEM!

We found the papa cricket on Friday night. Morgan, Kimberly, and I were at home watching a movie and all of a sudden the biggest cricket I have ever seen in my entire life went running across our floor! It was probably as long as 2 nickels put together. It was bigger than a quarter and jumped probably 8 inches above the ground. I am not even exaggerating here. This one had us on the table. Finally we got it cornered, well Kim did, and then it started jumping and jumping and then it accidentally got jumped on its back and then we smashed it. We smashed the crud out of it. Unfortunately, I was the one who was nominated to clean it up, and here are the oh so lovely pictures that ended up on facebook.

This is the cricket on the bottom of Whitney's shoe (she wasn't there, so we used her shoe)

I felt safer with shoes on, and these were the first 2 that I grabbed. I was just lucky I got one right and one left!

It was very traumatizing and afterwards, we were all exhausted to say the least.

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