03 November 2011

What a Morning

So this morning, I was minding my own business, getting ready for school. I needed to leave in 5 minutes to go to class, but I had to go to the bathroom. So I didn't put on my pants, because what is the point in taking off my warm pajama pants and put on pants that I am just about to take off again? Well I left my room to go to the bathroom when I realized that my door was locked. Great. 5 minutes til class, in my pajamas, with all of my school stuff locked in my room. I went to knock on my RA's door and she wasn't home. So, I put on my roommate's pants and shoes and walked in the freezing cold to the Central Building. I got a key and came home. THE KEY DIDN'T WORK!! So I just decided to skip my first class because I wasn't going to go in my pajamas and I had nothing to take to the class anyway. I couldn't wait for my room roommate Morgan to come home, because her key doesn't work for our room. Thankfully my wonderful roommate Amanda's class was cancelled and she came home early. She and I have magical keys. They open both her room and my room. Morgan and Mateja (Amanda's room roommate) have dud keys. Their keys don't open either of their rooms at all. So I finally got into my bedroom and was able to put some pants on and go to my class after my first class.

I am so happy to be IN my room with MY keys and wearing pants!!!

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