03 November 2011

Getting More Knowledge at College

Here are some of the most important things I have learned at college this semester. 

1. Do what you want to do. If you have a passion and you know that it is the right thing to do, it doesn't matter if it's not working out right now, it WILL work out. 

2. College is kind of like Never, Never Land. Time slows down and nobody has any idea what is going on. The only unfortunate thing is that sometimes, we do have to be the grown ups. But maybe that isn't a bad thing. 

3. Les Miserables is the best thing to listen to while you are doing homework. It motivates you, inspires you, and helps you concentrate. Plus it's the best/my favorite thing ever. Eventually everything you do in your homework will connect to the French Revolution. My favorite character in Les Mis is Eponine. Because after she is expected to be miserable and she has an awful life, Love IS enough. That's all she wants. Wouldn't it be great if that is all we want, too?

4. Don't let anything bring you down. I like what this says (not that it is a tattoo) "I refuse to sink" adopt that as your motto, and it can really help you.

5. My roommates are now my family. This is probably the truest thing I have learned here.

6. When we went to a safety seminar, the police officer told us, "Some boys are weird, and some are really weird." 'nough said.

7. In college, we learn and tell each other on a daily basis that we are all beautiful. On our mirror, we have this as our motto:

8. I think the most important thing I have learned in college is (drum roll please)....
We have dance parties every night, and let me tell you, we are good!

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