15 December 2011

Awesome Birthday

Today was awesome.

I woke up this morning. TOO EARLY to my mom calling me 3 times in a row. That was not awesome, but it was fun to hear the beautiful singing voices of my family (well, as beautiful as they can get :))

I went to take a shower and came back with a lovely package from Kimberly!
and in it, was this (and it looks way nicer in person!)

And My Uncle Shon, his wife Darcie, and my cousin Brady sent me a gift card to Amazon! I was completely bored all day because I had no finals and just made bracelets all day, and I had been wanting one of these:

way cute huh?

and the best part is, it is getting shipped to my HOME!!!! Because I am going HOME! In 3 DAYS!!

My cousin Kyra picked me up and we went to my Aunt's house and everyone was there! My cousins and their wives, my grandparents, and my other uncle. It was so fun!

I came home to a surprise party in my kitchen! With a chocolate wasted cake and more flowers from Whitney! It was so fun!

This describes my surprise party:

That's Hailey, our relief society president, downstairs neighbor, and great friend. She was hiding in our closet. haha. 

Overall, a great day! I am so lucky to have such great friends and family!


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