19 December 2011

A Very Horne Christmas

Here it finally is! Christmas in 55 Horne through pictures

opening our stockings full of candy! that will definitely be helpful during exam week! chocolate understands...

Whitney's present from Morgan:
what could it be?...
Henna! Whitney is amazing at drawing fake tattoos! They are super cool!

and a really cool poster of the hands from The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo 

Thanks Morgan! She loved it!

Amanda's gift from Kimberly:
A box! what she always wanted!

The comfiest shirt in the world! In bright yellow! Perfect for Amanda! 

and a princess mirror necklace! Amanda's our disney princess!

aren't they the cutest? just ignore kim's red eyes :)

Mateja's Gift from Your's Truly:
Robot necklace and earrings for our little science nerd <3

I love them! (that's what she's saying)

I think she loves the scarf too...

But her favorite part is clearly the Dr. Pepper. I'm worried about what she'll look like when she actually has the caffeine in her body...

love her!

Kimberly's gift from Mateja:
Kim takes years to open her presents, but i'll spare you from most of the pictures...

Still waiting...


Sparkley silver shirt!

She always wanted one of those!

Morgan's present from Whitney:
she doesn't really appreciate getting pictures taken much...

but she knows how to rock those scarves!!

Finally, My present from Amanda!:
I can hardly take the excitement!

opening the present...

I can't get it open, so I just decide to eat the tape off...

My very own nerd glasses! In purple! and Whale Earrings! (not pictured)

Thanks Amanda! I love it!

and, last but not least, our very own awkward Santa picture. Santa is a guy from our ward and Nancy is filling in because Kimberly wasn't there. Complete with ugly sweaters and awkward poses.

Happy Holidays from the 55 Horne Family!

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