28 January 2012

Hale Centre Theatre

Thursday night, Amanda, Mateja, and I went to The Hale Centre Theatre. First, we went to Amanda's grandparent's house where we had dinner. Let me tell you, Amanda's grandma is HILARIOUS! She was telling us how she wanted to be the speaker for a GPS.
"When I said turn right, I meant turn right."
"If I have to tell you to turn left one more time, I'm done. You're on your own."
And when the GPS is fed up with you, you have to go ask for directions... "Excuse me my GPS is bitter, can you give me directions?"
It was really funny, but you kind of had to be there.

 Afterwards we went to the theater and it is GORGEOUS! It was all fancy looking and stuff. We saw The Game's Afoot which is a comedy kind of like Sherlock Holmes. It was pretty funny. We even got to sit in the "box seats." It was kinda special.

Do you want to know a secret? I LOVE that kind of stuff! Plays, the ballet, things to get dressed up for- they're kind of my favorite. 

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