29 January 2012


I love dreaming because dreams give me something to work for. I'm one of those people who dream too much and dream impossible dreams. I think I can change the world, I'm not sure how yet but I know I can do it. I believe in dreams, but I also believe in doing something about them. You can't just sit around and make wishes every 11:11 and expect things to happen. I also believe that some of our greatest dreams come true when we least expect it.

I love to believe the things that aren't supposed to happen. Maybe I am easily deceived because I am so quick to hope, but I am trying to let my faith be bigger than my fear. 

I love pretty things, but it's scary how complete the delusion is that beauty is goodness. Real beauty is made from service, being hurt and coming out of it stronger, working as hard as you can, loving God, and many other things. Beautiful people have beautiful souls. One day I want someone to say I'm this kind of beautiful. 

I believe in fairy tales. When we were young we read and believed the most fantastic things. What I love most about fairy tales is that even though they are make-believe, they always contain truth. "Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." -G.K. Chesterton. I believe that every single "dragon" can be beaten, even if it's not always the way we think it should be beaten. There is more than one way to kill a dragon, and it might take a really long time. 

I love quotes and powerful words, that's why I use them all the time. I love books because they have an infinite knowledge. I think that if we read those books, for a second we become part of that extraordinary knowledge contained in those books.  I always wished that I had something important to say that other people wanted to hear, so maybe if I can find the important things that other people have said, maybe I can be part of that important thing. Being part of something special makes you special, right?

I believe that everyone can live an extraordinary life. Isn't that a cool thought? Instead of being just ordinary, you can be extraordinary. 

Just thinking about some serious stuff today, that's all. 

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