27 February 2012


This year instead of New Years Resolutions I decided to have a "goal word." I still made a couple goals, but let's be honest here, how many of those actually get done? It's bad, I know, plus I make goals all year long, so I decided to pick a word that I can strive to become, to embody and strive towards. The word I picked is

"What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"

I want to be brave to do things I have never done before or had been too terrified to do, even if it is little things like go bear my testimony in testimony meeting at church, or if it's big things like travel to a different country. It all takes courage, courage that I don't necessarily have yet, but I want so bad. This year I am striving to be more BRAVE. It's probably going to take a while, maybe even the whole year, but one day I will be brave enough to tell people what I think, to trust, to take leaps of faith, and to make amazing choices that will impact the rest of my life. 

I want to be brave enough to:

 I want to be able to:
to act without the expectation of falling because the fear of falling has held me back so much.

 Maybe being brave will help:

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