16 February 2012

cleaning checks

Oh, cleaning checks, how do I love thee, let me count the ways....
haha yeah right. cleaning checks, the dreaded time of the month, decribed as "horrible" "stressful" "the activity of the devil" and "practically a seance" (according to Amanda, I'm just quoting here).

cute roomies

our room becomes a dumping ground

and this is our closet. we store everything in it during cleaning checks, mainly because Kimberly isn't allowed to have knives in her closet. hahahaha

In actuality, cleaning checks aren't all that bad. You just put on some tunes (I always sneak as many Christmas songs as I possibly can into the mix) and sing and dance and have lots of breaks for community Facebook creeping. They are easier for some people if their RA doesn't really check their apartment (cough..cough...), but there is a high level of stress for a second when your RA wipes her hand on every surface of your apartment. Luckily the cleaning fairies help you out and clean things that you didn't so that you get away with a miracle.

After cleaning checks, we always go on roomie dates. Today we went to El Azteca, it looks really sketchy from the outside, but it was actually really really good and not sketchy that much once you get inside. Whitney said, "Once we get inside, we need to take lots of pictures, and instagram them, and then put them on Facebook!" So, thanks to Whitney for lots and lots of pictures. 

Mateja's from New Mexico, so she prides herself in her knowledge of mexican food.

cutie patootie

food baby...

Amanda used to have a food baby...

"She just gave you the wink" "yeah and it was a good wink too!"

Kimberly was a little sad


finally a good one!

haha Morgan haha

Kimberly: "Now be Spanish!"
Mateja: "ok, I'm doing the tango"
Erica: "but I'm French!"
Morgan: "and I'm creepy!"

Kimberly: "Now act like you're ghetto!"
clearly I failed.

Kimberly: "Now be white trash!"
Erica: "Where's the Nutella?"

This is Amanda after I did something really funny, but we can't really talk about it.
She was overwhelmed to say the least.

only in Utah...

Mateja's always the one to mess up the picture...


this is pretty much my favorite picture of Mateja ever.
"And I'm only allowed upstairs!"

See, cleaning checks aren't that bad because they result in the best dates we ever have been on.
 Roomie dates. 

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