15 February 2012

professors say the darndest things

Even though it's not Monday, this was too good to pass up.

Professors say the darn-d-est things. Especially on Mondays.

For example, this Monday:

My anthropology professor said, "no woman wants a man who can't bring down the bacon"
I'm pretty sure it's bring home the bacon. yeah.

Then he spelled the word "connections" "c-o-n-n-e-x-i-o-n-s" connexions. 

Then he asked if anyone read their horrorscope.

but, the best was biology (it usually is)

While talking about cells, my biology teacher handed out a bag of potato chips and everyone had to take one, whether they liked it or not. (He waited to make sure everyone had one)
Then he told us to put it on our desk and went on teaching...ok that's weird.
A little bit later, he has the TA turn on a music video Burn Baby Burn. 
Then he makes everyone stand up (he waits until everyone is standing up)
Then he turns on the music and makes everyone wave their chip in the air and dance (he waits until everyone is dancing) while he lights his chip on fire. 
He lit the chip on fire.
While he made everyone dance waving a potato chip in the air.
Then he told us the next time the song said "Burn Baby Burn" you have to eat the chip.
Yeah. yeah.
I don't even know.
I'm still pretty confused.

Oh Mondays, there is nothing I don't like more. Except maybe wearing pants.

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