22 February 2012

happily ever after

Today I got to...(drum roll please)

 skip school! 

wow. that wasn't very exciting. 
but the really exciting part is, I got to skip school because my beautiful cousin Kyra got married today!

aren't they just the cutest?

I love my cousin Kyra, since I moved out here to good ole' P-town, I was kind of on my own. I mean, I have a ton of extended family, but no one from my immediate family and that was kinda scary. 

Kyra basically became my big sister and would bring me with her everywhere, always making sure I was included in everything and inviting me to do fun stuff with her.

That's why I was so so so excited when she and Patrick got engaged because he's awesome and she's awesome...I mean it just all fit!

Kyra took me to her wedding dress fitting and to her bridal pictures because she knows I LOVE that kind of stuff, so it was even more exciting to see them finally get married after I had seen a lot of what was going on behind the scenes. 

During the ceremony, I got to babysit my two little cousins, Ella and Noah.

don't let their extreme cuteness deceive you. they're little rascals. 
Ella is a fairy princess and Noah is the dragon trying to tear down the castle (and he almost always succeeds) hahaha

While I was busy chasing Noah around the waiting room of the temple (all the while he was laughing and snorting, you see he laughs when he snorts, even more than I do and that's a lot) Ella was coloring a picture of the temple and watching the Book of Mormon movie they had playing. Ella came up to me and said "I believe He is," and I was like "who?" and then she said, "I believe He is the Savior"

Isn't that just the best? A little five year old girl coming up to me and telling me "I believe Christ is the Savior" It gives me so much hope for the future. 

Regardless of keeping me on my feet, I love those crazy kids and it was so fun to watch them while Kyra and Patrick were getting married. 

Isn't it so great that we get to be with our families forever? I am so grateful that I will get to be with my crazy and dysfunctional family forever. Forever. Just like a fairy tale, but it's better because it's so true. 

And hey, we might be crazy and dysfunctional but, at least we're fun and dysfunctional!

oh and another best part about them getting married? my mamma got to come! we got to be together all day! oh and she bought me a new pillow! for those who don't know, somehow I managed to completely deflate my pillow (is that even possible?) and it was really sad. I must have some repressed anger issues that I take out on my pillow while I am sleeping or something...

Congrats Kyra and Patrick!

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