19 March 2012

Call Me Maybe?

So here's what everyone's been waiting for! 
Even if you didn't know about it, it's what you've been waiting for all of your life. I'm not joking. 
Serious face.

It was inspired by my personal hero and inspiration: Ellen

She issued a "Dance Challenge"
aka dance behind people in public and try to have them not catch you.

After numerous tries and trying to get as many wardies as possible, this is what we came up with. But of course, we are girls and like to dress up, so we made it into a music video with a photoshoot after...
for some reason the words are a little off, but I think you can get the point :)

and we decided that we're going to send this to Ellen! We're gonna be famous!!


now here's an obnoxious amount of pictures for your viewing pleasure:

So yeah, like I said, OBNOXIOUS amount, but I couldn't choose. Everyone who knows me knows I can't make a decision to save my life. Except for clothes... anyway we're getting off track.

Photos from my lovely roommate Morgan and editing, too. Mateja took the ones with Morgan in them. Hope you liked it! Don't get danced!

So....call me, maybe?

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