16 March 2012

je t'aime

J'aime lfrançais! Tonight I went to a French club activity (dorky, I know but it was for class) and we watched Midnight in Paris. 

Every time I read a French book or watch a French movie (or a movie based in France ^) I just get reminded how much I love it! I absolutely love it!

The language is so beautiful and poetic. As a die-hard romantic, it fits right in :) Seriously, la langue d'amour. haha

As soon as something is translated into French, it becomes a hundred times more beautiful to me. The language is so pure.

My favorite book, Les Miserables, is not only the best book ever, but it has so many French references, it just makes me love it even more!

The culture is so posh and mysterious to me, it just adds a new level of admiration. For me, Paris is an adventure that I am dying to have. 

the fashions, the accents, the architecture, the literature, the music, the art, the language

it just gets me so giddy and excited, which is kind of weird because it's a language, but that's ok...

I have French class everyday, and sometimes I think I hate it because of all the work and effort it takes, but after I step back I realize that's why I love it. I have put in years to learn this language.

I'm not fantastic at it, but it brings a new level of meaning to everything. Every time there is a French reference I am so excited that I know it, and it makes me love that thing even more.

Before every class we have the opportunity to sing a hymn in French. It's amazing how a room full of French 102 students, many who had never had French in High School, are able to sing every word of the hymns as if French was their first language.
Not only are the hymns more beautiful in French (in my opinion :) ), but it's just such a testimony of the truthfulness of their words. Suddenly, everyone can magically speak French! 

In my French textbook, we read short excerpts from various stories that are popular in France. My favorites are the ones are from a child's book called Le Petit Prince

The little prince has a rose that is very special to him. He takes care of the rose and thinks that this rose is the only one like it. He goes to earth (he lives on his own little world by himself) and sees that there are many roses just like his rose. He is sad and thinks that his is not special. His friend, the fox, points out that his rose is unique and the most important in the world because of the time and love that the little prince gave to the rose that made the rose what it is. 
He says, "Voici mon secret. Il est très simple. On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."
(This is my secret. It is very simple. We can only see clearly with our hearts. The essential things are invisible to the eye)

See isn't that just so much better in French?

I thought so.

La langue française, je t'aime!

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