01 November 2012

suspenders are magic

Sooooo sorry about my lack of blogging about real world experiences, but here they are! Last week it snowed. I am going to die. I didn't think it would get this cold this fast! On the day that some of my roommates and I went to City Creek it was snowing off and on all day. This is what I woke up to, taken from my window, so I promise it was much worse than this, and this was the beginning, so it ended up being all white.

On Monday we had a Trunk-or-Treat for our ward FHE, so Morgie and I kept the tradition alive as nerds. 

we did a pretty good job. also, did you know that suspenders are magical to dance in? but really, they give you moves you didn't even know you could have. 

After a brief showing at the FHE party, we gathered some other people until we had quite a group and went to In and Out. And all 8 of us fit into Whitney's car, which thankfully has quite a large trunk because three people (aka Morgan, me, and someone else were crammed in the trunk, oh college) My favorite thing has to have been all the little kids staring, and someone told me I looked like Taylor Swift in this music video. SUCESS!! 

here's the round up of our costumes (sorry the picture is blurry! It's all we have!)

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