15 December 2012

for you

Yesterday was really hard. I had to say goodbye to my best friend for 2 years. 
Don't get me wrong, I am so happy that she is leaving because she is going to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Madrid Spain. 
I couldn't be more proud of her for this decision in her life.

But it's still hard. 
We've done everything together. 
And when I say everything, I mean everything.
Rewind to 18ish years ago when I moved to Tennessee.
Lara was already living there. That's how long I've known Lara. 

When I first went away to a week-long camp, Lara was my roommate.
EFY, Youth Conference, Camp
Any time I was away from my family, I was with Lara.

When I went to college, Lara came with me. 

There's a lot of history there.

As the years went on and we grew up, we got more and more different, but we stayed friends because we changed together. 

And now for the first time, we're going to be apart, and this is a time in our lives when we're going to change the most. And that's okay, because we're both doing exactly where we're supposed to be. 

I'll miss her. 

When you leave, you think you will be leaving a big hole. A gap that will be inevitably replaced by another. What you don’t understand that there is a place in my heart that will always be yours, and when you have a friend like you that leaves, it doesn't leave a hole because I know you aren't leaving me forever. You will always be there. There might be some cracks, yes, but that’s the only way that light can get through. 

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