05 November 2014


last weekend i went on a little trip to london. i loved london! i ate some good food (fish and chips! double decker cadbury candy bars! dr. pepper! and nando's! go to nando's!!! they have chicken and mashed potatoes!!), did some fun stuff (note: harry potter), and had a nice little break from school. thursday we arrived in london and went to harry potter studios. friday we went and saw all of the big monuments, and saturday we went to the camden market! 

there were lots of things that i liked better in london than in paris. the city is cleaner, everyone is happy, and it seems like there are less homeless/sketchy people. however, it is not paris. as much as i loved london, paris will always have my heart. it was interesting to see how different london is than paris. here a few snippets from my amazing weekend. 

^^^i kept forgetting that london has a queen. i love that it has a queen. queens rule! queens forever!^^^

^^^the buckingham palace. what i am wondering is, where are all the guards?^^^

^^^there were men on horses reenacting things? i wasn't really sure, but next week is armistice day, which is like veteran's day, so i think that all of these soldiers in fancy uniforms had something to do with that^^^

^^^hey, i thought my brother was in colorado! silly me. (big ben)

^^^excuse me, i am making a very important phone call.^^^

^^^westminster abbey. it's so breathtaking! it's also kind of a weird combination of architecture. there's some gothic in there, but there's also classical and others. not really sure what they were thinking.^^^

^^^big ben and the parliament. i LOVE this building, it's so beautiful^^^

^^^the london eye. we didn't go up, but we walked along the river, and they had street performers everywhere, it was really entertaining.^^^

^^^tower bridge^^^

^^^the tower of london, which i think is hilarious because it's not very tall like a tower if you ask me.^^^

^^^the tower was so insanely crowded, but that's because they were putting up these poppies. there were thousands and thousands of poppies. they have them to commemorate the soldiers and war veterans. it was really neat to be able to see them surrounding the tower of london^^^

^^^on our walk to the camden market^^^

^^^i loved the camden market!!! if you ever are in london, GO. it was so much better than the paris market. the people are in your face, but they're very friendly and nice. we were talking to the guy that we bought our hats from, and he was super bummed because the people before us were apparently really rude because they didn't talk to him at all. make sure to barter, and you can get really great deals! also go get food. they have a food market, and i had the best macaroni and cheese in the world. also chicken curry in freshly baked naan. mmmmmmmmmm^^^

^^^another scene from the camden market. it's such a quaint little area^^^


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