06 September 2016


hello everyone! 

i hope you are all doing great! this week has been crazy!!!!!! it`s been good to get back into french, it`s been a bit rusty but it`s pretty much getting back to me being able to speak it like a normal person again, so that`s a plus. 

monday and tuesday were full of saying goodbye to people in fallowfield. that area will always have a huge part of my heart. i`m so grateful that i`m still in the same stake, so i`ll be able to see people at stake functions! (PSA sorry for any badly spelled words or weird symbols, i`m typing from a french keyboard and don`t have time to go back and check) some of the highlights were that one of our lovely members from mexico made us mole! and i wore a velvet short-sleeved turtleneck that another 80 year old member gave me from her closet hahahaha

wednesday was crazy! we had to be at the bus station at 7 am for me to meet my companion and for sister dampt to go to montreal to pick up her new greenie meaning we had to wake up at 5! the rest of the day we were in a 4 man group because sister fleming and i had to be with other sisters who didn`t have their companions yet and then we had to work in a different area that we weren`t familiar with because it was closer to downtown. we had zero success and walked around all day in the hot hot sun. and then sister fleming and i had to pick up the new sister missionaries and their bus was and hour and a half late so it was just overall an exhausting day. and then on thursday sister fleming and i had to wake up at 5 am AGAIN to go to montreal for mission leadership council. i think i looked like a deer in the headlights the whole meeting because i had been an stl for a total of maybe 5 hours at that point but it was awesome. 

i`m so excited about this new area! it is FULL of miracles. one thing that we learned in mission leadership council is that we can expect success and miracles when we are obedient because we have promised blessings. if we work hard and we are exactly obedient, there will be miracles. it`s as simple as that. and i`m actually pretty excited to be and stl because we have amazing sisters and i get to work more closely with them. it will be great! 

friday we went to have a lesson on a street with a lot of former investigators and potential investigators. as we were parking, a former investigator who had dropped us the week before came up to us on the street and told us she was free on monday at 3:30 so come over. she talked with us for a while so we were late to the appointment we had and the person wasn`t there, so we walked back to the car. right as we were about to get in, an investigator we hadn`t seen in about a month pulls in behind us, gets out and says, "come over right now, we will have a lesson!" okay! 

we had so many miracles every single day this week, and i am so grateful for them. it is incredible to see the hand of the Lord in all things. just as D&C 84:88 promises, i know He goes before our face and His angels are all around us. 

i love you all!!!!


soeur paine


from the corn boil in fallowfield (mavis photobombing in the background)
us and doris who made us mole 
all the stl`s and zone leaders
perk of being back in quebec= chocolat favoris! 

and then the sign on this tv was so funny to me probably because i was hot and tired and we had just been knocking so even more tired i had to take a picture 

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