21 April 2012

coming home

That awkward moment when...

You come home and everyone is ten feet taller than you. I was tall once. I promise.

Your little brother can drive.

Your other little brother's voice is cracking. 

You wash all of your dishes before you put them in the dishwasher and then your dad tells you that your dishwasher actually works.

You're still afraid of your basement and have to run up the stairs 2 at a time in order to avoid being murdered by the murderer that you swear lives in your basement.

You're hungry but don't actually end up eating anything because there are so many options of food in your house and you can eat any of it. It's quite stressful.

Everyone is going to bed but you are still wide awake and trying to talk to everyone but no one wants to talk because they're going to bed.

You're emptying the dishwasher and you forget where something goes and you start panicking and feel like your whole childhood is crashing down on you until you find the right spot.

Your little brother has been staying in your bedroom while you were at college and his boxers are pinned on your bulletin board. You just hope they're clean.

You forgot you now live with boys and have to get dressed with the door closed. (sorry probably TMI)

You're perfectly content living in your shower because it's so much bigger than the one in your dorm.

Ingrid Michaelson is the only real friend you have now that you're home. And she's not even real because she's just singing to you out of your computer.

Your mom's shoes now live in your shoe cubby in the mudroom.

Your family doesn't think that puppy pictures are funny.

You end up talking to yourself while you're lying in bed at midnight because you don't have a roommate to talk to.

Everything has changed, yet nothing has changed.

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