04 April 2012

information overload

I've been listening to this song on repeat for what seems like forever.

In 18 short days I'll be boarding a plane to go back to Tennessee for 4 months. 

There's only one problem. I want to go home, but I don't want to go home. 

I know. What a problem. I am so lucky that this is my problem. I miss my family and my home, but I don't want to leave my new family.

Doesn't it always seem that everything gets really good right before you have to leave it?

Perfect timing, that's what I'm good. (I'm being sarcastic in case you were wondering)

It's days like these that remind me of the important things. The days when your roommates need you to laugh with them, cuddle with them, cry with them, and then eat lots of cake with them.

I'm so grateful for modern technology or I don't know what I'd do. Probably have no friends over the summer. Oh wait...

Or, in the words of the oh so wise Winnie the Pooh,
"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."
I really am so lucky.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure I need this and this.
Just saying. And I need green pants. Those would rock.

Oh, and something I've been working on. After the longest time, I finally cracked and drew my roommates wedding dresses. (I know what you're thinking mom, but don't worry. No one is planning on getting married anytime soon...I think...)They are convinced I'm going to make them for them.
ha ha ha.

that would take wayyyyy too long

but I'll try for them anyways I guess.

Here's a test:

1. Who's dress is this?
(the swirly stuff is lace btw)
A. Morgan
B. Mateja
C. Amanda

2. Who's dress is this?
A. Amanda
B. Morgan
C. Mateja

3. Who's dress is this?
A. Mateja
B. Amanda
C. Morgan

If you guessed "C"for all of them, guess what???
you're wrong!

The answer is really "A" for all of them.

tricked ya, didn't I? :)

The drawings aren't that great, but they'll do. Plus they're different than any kind of dress I would ever wear because, well, I made them for my roomies....


I had an ephinamamanamay (that's how you spell epiphany in case you were wondering) today.

sometimes things need to fall apart because the way they were before wasn't good enough. and sometimes you didn't know something wasn't good enough until it breaks. it sometimes takes falling apart to realize that it had been wrong all along. 

wow. that was confusing. let me try and explain a little better the thoughts in my head...

it's kind of like if you move into a new house with built-in cabinets that you thought were "faulty". it wasn't until they broke and you had to fix them that you realized the whole time they weren't faulty cabinets,  they were just built the wrong way.

ok maybe that was a little better...

but the BEST part is that now you know the wrong way to do it and the right way is the only option left!

sorry if that's still confusing. it makes sense in my head, and it probably only matters to me, so...

wow. that was a lot of stuff.

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