27 July 2012

Philly: Bells and National Treasure {trip part 1}

I just got home from one of the most whirlwind trips of my life. I spent the past 7 days in 3 of the Nation's most important cities, and have seen some of the most amazing things. Even though I'm pretty sure that I've walked as much as the pioneers at this point, it was totally worth it. Like I said before, prepare to get photo bombed, I'll try and cut back :)


after driving 14 hours on wednesday to a place in New Jersey, just across the river from Philadelphia, we drove into the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

We took a tour of Independence Hall, including the East Wing, the West Wing, the Right Wing, the Left Wing, the Backwards Wing.... (I think you get the idea, there were a lot of wings). We got to see an original copy of the Declaration of Independence and the inkpot used to sign it. The old buildings were beautiful and my favorite! 

"We have it in our power to begin the world over again." -Thomas Paine

Independence Hall (where the Declaration of Independence was signed and where they snuck into the top of it to find the glasses on National Treasure) (It's also where the Liberty Bell used to live)

The meeting hall 

THIS IS IT! The actual place where it was actually signed!

The beautiful staircase in Independence Hall (it's also the stairs where Nicholas Cage and Diane Kruger and Riley sneak to the tower)

Where they used to have court

Haha funny sign:

We then walked to the gardens of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Philadelphia. It's amazing and so peaceful. The inscription on the tomb said, "Here lies men who gave their lives so that you can live." It really struck me. It was so direct, it's something that you always knew, but you never think about. It's nice to think that they are laid to rest in such a peaceful place now. 

We then walked to the Declaration House, where Thomas Jefferson lodged and wrote the Declaration of Independence. There is no doubt in my mind that he was inspired to write such an incredible document.

We visited the Liberty Bell Museum and got to see the Bell.

"Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof."

The Liberty Bell is such an amazing part of history because it is a visual representation of what all of the people were doing, they were fighting for their freedom. The bell showed the people the liberty they were receiving. Pretty cool. 

Pretty cobblestone streets

These are just some things we walked by on our way to lunch:

more cobblestone with my cute shoes

beautiful gardens

we had lunch at the city tavern

it looked like it came out of the 1800's, and the waiters and waitresses were even dressed like they were, too!

we were tired and hot

and making cute faces runs in the family...


Rachel with her time- period drink, a "shrug" or "shrub," I can't remember.

...see I told you the ability to make cute faces runs in the family...

it was orginally built in 1854! the food was so good and the Creme Brulee was seriously heaven!

old marketplace

after exploring gardens and having lunch, we went to the portrait gallery. The portrait gallery had paintings of tons of people who helped shape the United States. They also had what looked like dungeons by the bathrooms...

We then went to go see Benjamin Franklin's grave, but it was closed so we had to look through the fence. It was still pretty cool. 

"He tore from the skies the lightning and from tyrants the scepter." - Turgot

people throw pennies on his grave because it's supposed to give them luck, and also because of "A penny saved is a penny earned."

Philadelphia was incredible. We saw so many incredible things that allow us to have the lives that we live.

My family also related everything we saw with National Treasure, so obviously we had to watch it when we came home, obviously. :)


Friday was a more low-key day. We drove a couple hours (still in New Jersey) to our next hotel near New York. There we met up with my Grandma, Great Aunts, and Cousins. We also saw The Dark Knight Rises. It was AWESOME!!!!! Not only becuase I love Christian Bale and they happen to have Joseph Gordon-Levitt who I also LOVE LOVE LOVE! 

and I kinda have been in love with him since this:


but contrary to popular belief, I did like the movie for reasons other than the ones stated above. It was sweeeeet! Go girl power (Anne Hathaway) and I was scared and almost peed my pants half the time- that part I didn't like so much. 

Saturday and New York City coming next!

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