31 July 2012

the best thing. ever.

Today watching the 4x200 men's relay was INCREDIBLE. The WHOLE time they were 3 or 4 seconds ahead of everybody. WE WON GOLD. And a series of great things happened:

1. I fell off the back of our couch. It kind of hurt, but it was funny.
2. They had an interview and they were all standing thereand they were so happy and talking and my mother said the best thing I have ever heard her say.I quote THIS IS A DIRECT QUOTE "Let's be honest, none of them are bad looking." Mom for the win!
3. Lara said, "I couldn't really pay attention to what they were saying because they were not wearing shirts... and their muscles...were talking too loudly... and their arms...ok."
I concur.

That's all.

I love the Olympics.

1 comment :

  1. I was literally thinking the same thing while I was watching their interview! Except I was in a roomful of married cousins and couldn't really say anything about it, so I had to appreciate them silently :)
