01 October 2012

and that's the gospel truth.

So a little Sunday humor for you. All the credit goes to Amanda. She was reading for her New Testament class in John. You know the story where Jesus turns the water to wine at the wedding? Well the water that was turned to wine was nasty. We're talking some of the grossest water you've ever seen. There was probably poop in it. Anyway, Jesus tells the disciples to fill 6 waterpots up to the brim, and then take some of the water and give it to the ruler of the feast, so this water is taken to the ruler (remember at this point, the water is still NASTY WATER and not wine until the master of the feast actually drinks it)

John 2:9

 When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom,

hahahahahaha get it? it's funny because the wine was once actually gross water and the ruler of the feast doesn't know it, but the servants knew ;) WINKY FACE. 

sometimes grammar makes the world a better place. 

and that's the gospel truth (you need to say that in your head the same way it's sung in Hercules)

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