01 October 2012

2 for 2

Happy October! Wow, look at me, 2 posts in 2 days! But anyway, for some reason I am completely and totally incapable of waking up before 6:45 on Monday mornings. This is a serious problem when you have 3 alarms set, one for 6 am, which is really when you need to wake up because you have an 8 am class, one for 6:20, which is the LATEST you really need to wake up, and one for 7 just in case you really oversleep.

But, for some reason, I wake up, turn my alarm off, and go back to bed, and "accidentally" wake up between 6:43- 6:49 every Monday morning. Problem.

Or today, I actually turned off my phone instead of dealing with my problems. Seriously, I couldn't find my phone, and after searching and searching, it was in the covers of my bed, turned off.

I think I just need a personal wake up call or something, because this has happened every. single. week.

But here in Utah it's starting to get a little chilly! (ah!) I cannot wait until real fall weather! We decorated our apartment really Halloween-y, pictures to come soon!

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