24 September 2012

fall is here!

ok, so I realize that I have been a total failure at blogging lately. sorry, busy college life!

so here's what's been happening this weekend.

- We used an OVERHEAD in my World Lit class on Friday. AN OVERHEAD! I haven't seen one of them since middle school!!!

- Also, in that said class, we got COOKIES AND STARBURSTS!!! I know. Good day. We had to act out the trial of Socrates because we had just read the Apology of Socrates, which I was really nervous about because I hate talking in front of people, but it turned out pretty cool cause WE GOT COOKIES AND STARBURSTS!

- Then I had no french homework because we had a test, WHICH I aced. No big deal.

- Friday I wore what I like to call my "oh no you didn't just wear camo pants....pants..." Yeah. I wore camo pants. 

here's a sneak peak. I actually was wearing a really cute outfit (not the outfit in the following pictures) I'll show it to ya sometime. 

- Friday night we went to a CORN MAZE!!! It was kind of scary. Actually really scary. Also, what didn't help is that some people with us tried to make it scarier! I don't know if I've said it before, but I get really scared really easily, hence people think it's really funny to scare me. IT'S NOT

- The corn maze was so fun, but I think the best part of the night was this gem. It seriously is the best picture to represent our whole friendship. 

see, pretty darn fantastic, right?
and the best part is Morgan HATES it. hahaha. Sorry, I'm really not that mean. 

- we did take some cute other pictures

- Sunday I got the opportunity to go to the Brigham City LDS Temple Dedication. It was incredible. There are no words to describe what I felt there and the spirit that was present. 

I am so excited for fall. 

- ALSO, my French and Italian Cinema class was CANCELLED!!! SWEEET! and that's a 3 hour class, so I was done at 11 instead of 3 and so I took my test, which I ACED, and I got home really early! YIPEEE!

- I checked the mail and got a letter from my brother, a letter from my friend, AND a package. AWESOME mail day today. 

I think that's pretty much it. 

oh wait. 


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