28 April 2013

evolution of home

last april home was cinderblock walls and ingrid michaelson concerts and nursing broken hearts

last summer home was a childhood place revisited, thunderstorms and lightening bugs. hot sticky summer nights up until 3 a.m. with nothing but myself and my thoughts, and on the lucky nights a few good friends.

in the fall, home became stomach butterflies and friday nights on the couch.

in the winter, home was taylor swift naps and long conversations. freezing cold days to sometimes match freezing cold hearts.

early spring, and home can be painted by beautiful mornings: i wake up to morgan arguing with herself, "i'm not getting up...no, no, no....it can't be time yet." amanda is singing in the hallway with wet hair. chloe walks out of her bedroom, looking angry with her hair all in her face. kyle stumbles straight to the bathroom, sometimes giving us a peace sign, and then comes out of the bathroom telling us how she fell asleep on the toilet again. then there's whitney, running out of her bedroom so fast she doesn't even have time to put pants on because she wakes up with a million things she has to tell us.

the other day i took a step back while our morning routine was happening, and my heart was so full. i realized how much i love these girls. this was home.

now i have to make a new home again. maybe it will include bare feet as much as possible, hard to get smiles, country music, and handwritten letters and you?

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