29 April 2012

home is whenever I'm with you

I've officially been home for a week. A very strange week, but it made me remember why I love this place so much. That's why I always talk about it. I just love it.

Franklin, Tennessee. or should I say "Historic Franklin"

I think I read somewhere once that the population was the same as BYU Provo. So semi-small town-ish?

30 minutes from Nashville

Still has scars from the Battle of Franklin of the Civil War, the "Bloodiest Battle of the War." Everyone remembers the Battle of Franklin, whether you lived there your whole life or not.

Famous people who live in Franklin:

Nick Carter (I was pretty excited about that one)
Kenny Chesney
Lee Greenwood
Ashley Judd (she splits between Scotland and Franklin, nbd)
Kings of Leon came from Franklin
Paramore came from Franklin (I've seen the lead singer at Hobby Lobby and where I worked. Pretty cool I know)
Brad Paisley

Just to name a few. I mean I'm practically famous because I live here too.

But the main reason I love Franklin so much is much, much more than the famous people or the history.

It's beautiful. Everyday I look outside and I simply cannot get over how breathtakingly beautiful it is. The green is almost as green as blanched vegetables! In Provo, the mountains seemed almost like a security blanket because the landscape just felt so empty. I come to Franklin and it's so full. I know that's a really weird way to describe it, but that's the only way to describe it. There are trees and hills and grass EVERYWHERE! It really is true that you don't realize what you have until you're gone and then come back to it.

The country accents. Everywhere I go everybody has a little country twang. It's funny sounding, but I personally love it. I mean, too much is definitely too much, but it's comforting to hear everyone talking in nice, polite country accents. It tells me I'm home. Whenever I was in Provo, if I heard someone talking in a country accent, I felt immediately connected to them because they get it. There's something different about the south. But let's not get started on the slang and phrases they use...

Saturday I went to the main street festival (it's a festival where they shut down the main street going through the center of town and they have a...festival....) and this stuff really donned on me. You know those quaint little small town festivals you always hear about where people walk everywhere downtown and you have your dogs and get lemonade and BBQ? Well they're real!

that's mine ^

Even though my sisters do like to scare me, I love being with them. I love that they're some of my best friends and they'll go anywhere with me. My family definitely makes Franklin my home. It wouldn't be home without them.

I love Sundays at home, I always find the comics for my siblings to read while I read the style section of the Sunday paper and the life section (today it was about Carrie Underwood- some real good stuff right there, let me tell ya). It's always humid and warm outside.

I love that there is a temple right next to the stake center where I go to church. I mean it's not Provo where I can walk to the temple, but  I am so so lucky to have a temple right next to my church building. 

I am sitting in sacrament meeting and one of my friends looks back at me a smiles in a kind of mischievous way and when I ask her why she was smiling at me she just said "I'm just so glad you're back."

It's the best when I hear my name being screamed and I look down and see 3 little boys that are 3 and 4 years old and I used to babysit smiling up at me. According to them I have lots of boyfriends here. haha.

Saturday afternoon I got to play with Will and Finn in the sandbox and on the trampoline. I love them and I get to babysit them every time I come home.

hehe I told Finn to open his eyes and this is was I got...

he's always up to some sort of mischief...

I hope someday all of you can come visit because Franklin is my favorite place on earth!

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