21 April 2012

home run

Well this is it. at 2:25 tomorrow I set out to go home to Tennessee!

I had to say goodbye to my roommates and even though I see them in four months, it's really hard to go from having these girls in every single part of your life to having them completely gone. I love them so much! But even though I love my life with them, it's time to go home.

Luckily Lara and I got the same flight! yay! So we are staying at her aunt's house. We were both pretty much dead and looking super rough- like after spending 10 days in the wilderness/ a weed filled Ingrid Michaelson concert (more stories to come) and then not showering and cleaning all day and not sleeping for a week. Yeah we were looking rough. Anyway Lara's aunt took us to Thanksgiving Point to see the tulips and they were gorgeous! We then went and got girl food (aka salads, soup, and fish) and Froyo. Gotta love the froyo.

When we finally got to her aunt's house we were exhausted and she had a chair that hangs from the ceiling. It's so cool. We promptly fell asleep. Well, sort of...

I get to go home!!!!

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